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Deputies were told the suspect was a white man wearing a black shirt. Winkler fit the description. Three deputies fired their guns, hitting both Winkler and the stabbing victim. The deputies then heard arguing between two men inside of the apartment and found the stabbing suspect, year-old Alexander McDonald, "choking and tearing" at another man's face.

There was a knife next to them. Deputies used force to subdue McDonald and arrested him. Winkler was taken to the hospital where he died from one gunshot wound. The other victim the deputies shot in the leg is in stable condition at a hospital.

The third victim is at the hospital for his stab wounds in his legs, arms and chest. McDonald only suffered from minor injuries. Chemotherapy side effects: A cause of heart disease? Chicken soup: Can it treat a cold? Cold or allergy: Which is it? Cold remedies Cold symptoms: Does drinking milk increase phlegm? Croup Cryptogenic organizing pneumonia Curcumin: Can it slow cancer growth? Does zinc work for colds? Eating during cancer treatment: Tips to make food tastier Ebola transmission: Can Ebola spread through the air?

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A second hostage was also mistakenly shot in the leg, officials said. He was covered in blood and bleeding profusely from the neck. Simultaneously, Winkler ran out of the door, lunging at the back of the fleeing victim. Both ran directly at the deputies. Winkler fit the general description of the suspect, and when he bolted out of the apartment deputies believed he was the assailant and opened fire, officials said.

Richardson said Winkler, who lived in the complex, was a friend of the two other men held hostage and rushed to the apartment when he heard them screaming. The incident unfolded about p. When they got to the complex, a witness told them there were two men in the apartment and that the assailant was a thin white man wearing a black shirt, according to the statement. The door suddenly burst open and the bloodied man came out with Winkler close behind, officials said. They entered the apartment and saw another male victim as well as the suspected hostage taker, identified as Alexander McDonald.


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