BSc Hons Computing Science. BSc Hons Forensic Science. BSc Hons Information Technology. BSc Hons Mathematics.
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MSc Adult Nursing. MSc Advanced Biomedical Science. MSc Advanced Clinical Practitioner. MSc Biotechnology. MSc Forensic Mental Health. MSc Gerontology with Dementia Care. MSc Health Studies. Want to be kept bang up-to-date with what's going on near you? Skiddle's got you covered. Simply click the button below to sign up and every week we'll send you our newsletter packed with events we think you'll like.
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By continuing, you're accepting that you're happy with our cookie policy. Click here to find out more. Coronavirus update: View cancelled events here. Navigation Skiddle. Paisley Fresher's Week Popular Paisley venues - find out what's on where Whether you're an avid underground clubber, fashionable funky house head or prefer your live music, check these popular Paisley venues for upcoming events, or view our full what's on guide for loads more Pulse View our full Paisley events guide ».