Why have a treeless saddle

Sometimes things that appear to be perfect solutions in the short-term will prove to have less than satisfactory outcomes in the long-term. Short term — no problem; long term — pain. Emotion should be taken out of this discussion, and it should be based on fact. More and more veterinarians are specializing in saddle fit and research evidence will become more and more apparent and available.

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Allows movement of the shoulder and back without causing tilting, rocking or torque. Sign Up For Our Newsletter Enter your details here to subscribe and keep up to date with Solution Saddles news, events and special offers. View Latest Newsletter. First Name:. Last Name:. Email Address:. S80 3DZ. A lot of custom saddlers are no better. Although they are building you a saddle to order, they often only ask for a wither tracing and a couple of pictures to fit a tree.

A wither tracing really can only give enough information to pick tree width and bar spread. It gives absolutely no information on rock and twist. I think treeless saddles are perfect for most horse trainers. Most horse trainers train multiple horses at a time. Usually about an hour a day and the majority of work is on fundamentals. They are not racing up and down in the mountains at extended trot or canter.

For the most part, flat arena work. Treeless saddles are also great for the rider with multiple horses. It just depends on the body weight of the rider and how hard and long you ride. In general, if you are a lighter weight rider who rides a couple times a week at a slower pace, a treeless saddle will work fine for you.

Look, this is what the scientific data has shown. A properly fit saddle with a tree is always going to have lower overall psi than a treeless saddle in the exact same application. Four things to keep in mind are:.

Whether you end up getting a saddle with a tree or a treeless saddle I always advise riders to make sure they have enough of a trial period. Go out and get three to five really good rides in.

If you normally go for four to five hours at a fairly quick pace then that is how you should evaluate the saddle. Fantastic article.


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