They may also order other tests to find out what is causing your tinnitus. Your doctor might refer you to an otolaryngologist. This is a doctor that specializes in the ear, nose, and throat also called an ENT doctor.
To prevent tinnitus or keep it from getting worse, avoid long-term exposure to loud noises and activities that put you at risk for hearing loss. If you listen to music through headphones, keep the volume low. If you have tinnitus, avoid things that seem to make it worse. These may include nicotine, alcohol, or caffeine.
Treatment will depend on what is causing your tinnitus. If earwax is causing your tinnitus, your doctor will remove it. But never stop taking a prescription medicine without talking to your doctor first. If an underlying condition, such as high blood pressure, is causing your tinnitus, your doctor can create a treatment plan for you to follow.
Usually, tinnitus goes away once the condition that is causing it is treated. When no specific cause can be identified, your doctor will probably focus on making your tinnitus easier to tolerate. Some possible methods include:. For many people with tinnitus, the condition is just a mild distraction. But for some, tinnitus causes distress and negatively affects their quality of life.
It can cause anxiety, depression, sleep disturbances, and poor concentration. To lessen the impact of tinnitus on your life, try the following:. Take the focus off your tinnitus. Use techniques such as sound generators and counseling to push it to the background. Remember that the more you think about tinnitus, the more bothersome it will become.
This article was contributed by: familydoctor. This information provides a general overview and may not apply to everyone. Talk to your family doctor to find out if this information applies to you and to get more information on this subject. You may hear conflicting reports from different sources. The U. Visit The Symptom Checker. Read More. Food Poisoning. Acute Bronchitis. Eustachian Tube Dysfunction. Once you confirm that subscription, you will regularly receive communications related to AARP volunteering.
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Leaving AARP. Got it! Please don't show me this again for 90 days. Cancel Continue. Thank You. Your email address is now confirmed. Continue to AARP. Most people with chronic tinnitus adjust to the ringing over time, but 1 in 5 will find it disturbing or debilitating.
For some, it can lead to insomnia , difficulty with concentration, poor work or school performance, irritability, anxiety , and depression. Tinnitus happens when we consciously hear a sound that does not come from any source outside the body.
It is not a disease, but a symptom of an underlying problem. The most common form is a steady, high-pitched ringing. This can be annoying, but it does not usually indicate a serious condition. In fewer than 1 percent of cases, it may be objective. This means that other people can hear the noise.
This can be a sign of a medical emergency. Tinnitus is a non-auditory, internal sound that can be intermittent or continuous, in one or both ears, and either low- or high-pitched.
The varying sounds have been described as whistling, chirping, clicking, screeching, hissing, static, roaring, buzzing, pulsing, whooshing, or musical.
The volume of the sound can fluctuate. It is often most noticeable at night or during periods of quiet. There may be some hearing loss. There is no cure for most cases of tinnitus. Most people become accustomed to it and learn to tune it out. Ignoring it rather than focusing on it can provide relief. When this does not work, the individual may benefit from treatment for the effects of tinnitus, insomnia, anxiety, hearing difficulties, social isolation, and depression.
Low-level background music, white noise, or specialized ear maskers can help. The choice of sound should be pleasant to the individual. Masking devices offer temporary relief, and the awareness of tinnitus returns when the sound therapy is turned off. Hearing aids are a common type of sound therapy. They amplify environmental sounds and redirect attention to those noises instead of the tinnitus.
Tinnitus retraining therapy TRT involves retraining the auditory system to accept the abnormal sounds of tinnitus as natural rather than disruptive. It involves help from a trained professional and wearing a device that emits low-level white noise. Ongoing counseling sessions can help people cope with the tinnitus.