Why rise of the guardians failed

Zach Gass Dec 2, Tiffany Wang Sep 13, Paolo Alfar Sep 9, Noemi Arellano-Summer Apr 14, Anthony Taormina Dec 30, Anthony Taormina Dec 23, Anthony Taormina Dec 16, Anthony Taormina Dec 14, Sandy Schaefer Dec 13, Anthony Taormina Dec 9, Anthony Taormina Dec 2, Callum Petch has got gotta gotta gotta gotta gotta. You are commenting using your WordPress.

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Email required Address never made public. Name required. Follow Following. Sign me up. Already have a WordPress. Log in now. Loading Comments Email Required Name Required Website. I searched in vain for any explanation at all about that creative choice.

Given the cast of characters, I presume they were leaning heavily on acceptance by audiences in North America. This Russian fellow would quite possibly alienate and bewilder little kids therefore. Parents who might normally take their kids to see a Santa movie will put on the brakes once word gets around that the kids are having nightmares after seeing it. The thing is, a lot of the same guys who think that way believed in Santa and those characters as kids.

Read between the lines and you can feel the demographic canvas being stretched to the tearing point. The director is saying he wanted a movie that was all things to all people, a goal that suggests maybe Jeffrey Katzenberg should have hired a more experienced director. Hollywood has many dues-paying canvas-stretchers looking for work, know what I mean? Now listen to what William Joyce was trying to do. But here is Mr.

Joyce: "Because I don't want people to read the book and then go see the movie and go, 'Oh, I like the book better,' and I also didn't want them to know what happens in the movie. And I also knew that during the progress of film production, a lot of things can change. So I wanted to have a sort of distance, so we were able to invoke the books and use them to help us figure out the world of the movie, but I didn't want them to be openly competitive to each other.

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