What the heck are they anyway? How do I make money the fastest? Build 5 Answers Where are Guard Posts? Side Quest 3 Answers Can you restart from checkpoints in levels or do you have to restart the whole memory? Main Quest 2 Answers My horse doesn't seem to "gallop" General 6 Answers. Ask A Question. Browse More Questions. Keep me logged in on this device. Forgot your username or password? User Info: Lingtime Lingtime 10 years ago 1 i have finished the story and wrapping up platinum now, but ill be damned if i see a guild or barracks on the map psn: Lingtime.
Full synchronization does not work. The Towers and the Romulus treasure. AC:B - Nutmeg? Where are Guard Posts? Courtesan Guild Quest Side Quest. Where can i find vlad the impaler coins? Side Quest. Can you restart from checkpoints in levels or do you have to restart the whole memory? Main Quest. I can't even get past the 4th fight, do you get better unarmed skills later in the game or something? Yep, confirmed, completely random how the install kills seems to work. Posted by EarthboundX on 09 Aug 17 at Incredibly, got this first try, thanks very much!
Posted by lightchipster on 16 Jun 18 at Leave a comment. Sign in and add a guide. I hope this guide helps, I tired it out several more times after getting the Achievement and had good success with it. Once you get to the third group I stood and grabbed sand and waited for the Mercenaries to come at me and I tossed a hand full of sand stunning two of them. I then attacked one of the stunned Mercenaries, 9 times out of 10 it would be a K. O hit, and had time to knock out the other two.
I used this strategy for the next two groups, I had time to toss two more handfuls of sand for these groups, one at the start and one in the middle or end you can judge when you need it. I didn't mash X for attack, nor did I mash A for kicks when a mercenary blocked. I used X and A combo, with this I had a better result with k.
I did have trouble with the final mercenary in the last group. Two things I did to deal with him, 1. If he threw sand at me I would dodge it, then go at him with the X and A combo. If he kept dodging my attacks I would toss sand and then use the combo attack. Again, I hope this has helped you get this Achievement with limited or no frustration. Comments and Questions are welcomed.
Posted by s3bb86 on 15 Jul 12 at Just in case you don't know hold X to gather sand and release to throw it. Posted by Sebacean Hybrid on 29 Sep 12 at Throwing sand is definitely the way to go, on the last round you can stun the three in the middle with one throw. While they're stunned it's easy to get 1 hit ko's. I find the combat mechanics in brotherhood to be clunky at best You can do the same exact thing times and get different results.
Assassins Creed 2 is still the best by far. Viperstryker23 , 17 Dec 17 Dec There is actually a pretty easy way of accomplishing this achievement. If you notice as you are progressing through the fights, the health meter above the mercenary's head will flash white Usually not the one you are attacking.
When this happens if you switch your target to the mercenary whose health meter is flashing and press X Punch, not counter attack it almost always performs a finishing move. Continue with this method and you should get the achievement. I finished with 26 seconds left!