Can i paint radiator pipes

Given the choices I would go for a colour match to the tiles. As they are limestone they will have many colours running through them, pick a middle one on both hue and tone and go with that. Colour Republic , Dec 5, Would emulsion have any reaction with the copper? Most paints will with stand 80 to 90 degrees of heat. Bedec map is the best primer I have found, it does not reach with the copper. You can then paint on top or get it mixed in a colour. Cheers again all. This rad is my own, my own bathroom.

Thanks H. Re: painting radiator pipes Post by Beachcomber » Mon Oct 04, pm You'll need to use a proper radiator paint on the pipes - the heat will knacker normal paint in no time. You can get it in tins or spray - if you use the spray make sure you mask off the surrounding area very well as it travels like a bugger! If at first you don't succeed - remove all evidence that you tried.

Re: painting radiator pipes Post by thescruff » Sat Oct 09, pm Are they plastic or copper. The reason you just gloss it is because oil based gloss is more flexible and copes better with the expansion and contraction of the pipes The oxidation is sometimes a sign that the flux used when installing the pipes was not removed completely and is sometimes a sign of a slow leak.

You should clean the pipes well with detergent. Cover the copper piping , after the oxidation has been removed, with a metal primer. Completely cover all of the plumbing, allow it to dry and then add a second coat.

For the highest quality finish coat, use an acid etch primer, found at automotive stores. For painting behind pipes , first cover pipes in tape.

I often use parcel tape because it is wider and will wrap all around a water pipe in one piece lengthways. Again, taking the time to protect areas you don't want paint on will save you time trying to remove mistakes later. In the presence of a water leak, copper will display greenish or bluish crust as the corrosion mineral in the water reacts and dries. This is heated pipe , cold water pipes can show a greenish tinge where a lot of condensation from damp air coming in contact with the pipes condenses and drips off the copper pipe.

Bare, unfinished gas piping may stand out from other finished surfaces in a home. Help the piping blend in better by finishing it with paint. This characteristic causes it to reject painted finishes unless it is pre-treated with acidic etching primer specifically manufactured for metal.

Look for any paint designed for wood or metal such as gloss , satin or eggshell. For best results, a radiator should be painted in a specific order. Using the edge of a 2 inch brush, paint the edges first, before moving onto the face.

Answer: Copper pipe can be painted. Make sure the pipe is clean. Once the pipes are clean use a metal paint primer and then a finish coat. It is best to choose primers and finished coats that are made for one another — the same manufacture. Go retro. Add Decorative Wood Pipe Wrapping. Other Pole and Pipe Coverings.

Use modular blocks. Use plants to conceal unsightly pipes and other exposed items you want to hide. Stitch a sink skirt to hide the pipes under your sink.

Wrap your bathroom pipes with rope.


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