Why is magnet link better

A magnet link therefor is theoretically all that is needed to download files from other peers in the Bittorrent network. Magnet links can be distributed by email, messaging and other forms of communication but are most often found on the torrent sites that usually offer both torrent and magnet links to their users. The full magnet link would look like this: magnet:? Detailed information about additional Magnet Link parameters are listed on Wikipedia.

This speeds up the process of finding the first peers. The main advantage for Bittorrent indexers is that they do not have to store the torrents on their servers anymore which could be beneficial for them in several ways. It could reduce the pressure from the media creation industry and reduce hardware infrastructure expenses thanks to less tracking and downloading.

The end users on the other hand benefit from Magnet Links as well. All they need is the link to start downloading the files which makes them independent from torrent indexers. It also allows them to distribute the information more easily. Torrent indexers remain on the other hand the main source of information for new files that are available for download. A tracker less environment should raise a question of identification. How can a download be initiated ff there is no tracker to inform the Bittorrent user about other users who download and seed the file?

The answer is DHT, Distributed hash tables. DHT is enabled by default in popular clients such as uTorrent or Vuze. Without going into to much detail, the hash of the magnet link is used to find peers using DHT. Both torrent file and Magnet links perform the same task, that is, download files via BitTorrent. Magnet links contain hashes of the files to be downloaded and location of where these can be downloaded from.

From the Wikipedia ,. Magnet links consist of a series of one or more parameters, the order of which is not significant, formatted in the same way as the query string on the end of many HTTP URLs. At first glance, the two types of file sharing seem the same, as both are used to download and share everything with others, but after all, they are not exactly the same.

Both the magnet link and the torrent file are used by the torrent client to fetch files for the user. That means if you're looking to download something, whether you have a magnet file or a torrent address, the torrent client can make it work.

The difference is not in what you get when you download a file, but where it comes from. A torrent establishes a connection between the user's torrent client and the web server somewhere.

Start new topic. Recommended Posts. JLo Posted December 11, Posted December 11, Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options Posted December 12, Here's some reading regarding the differences between.

PiusX Posted December 13, Posted December 13, Soon, popular torrent site The Pirate Bay will no longer host torrent files. Instead, it will only offer magnet links. Magnet what now? You may have seen the term "magnet link" before, but if you haven't used one, here's the lowdown on what this change means for you as a BitTorrent user. When you download a. The torrent file tells your torrent client the names of the files being shared, a URL for the tracker, and more. Your torrent client then calculates a hash code, which is a unique code that only that torrent has—kind of like an ISBN or catalog number.

From there, it can use that code to find others uploading those files, so you can download from them.


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