Why is miss havisham a believable character

Miss Havisham comes across as some sort of disturbed drama queen. I think Miss Havisham put on this so called act to degrade Pip and make him feel uncomfortable, because she received personal pleasure from hurting people, just like when she had been hurt. At this point Miss Havishams personality begins to shine through. Miss Havisham is determined to make Pip fall in love with Estella, so that Estella could break his heart, just like her own was broken.

She keeps asking Pip what he thinks of Estella until she receives the response she wanted to here. I interpreted this hidden smile as a sign of victory, I think she feels she has achieved what she wanted and made Pip fall in love with Estella.

However almost immediately what seemed a smile dropped to a brooding expression. I think Dickens included this change of expression to show that however heartless Miss Havisham has seemed so far, doing this to Pip is making her comeback to reality and think back to her feelings and how hurt, sad and depressed she felt.

Near the end of the novel when Miss Havisham is near her death day, we see a radical change in her personality. Pip goes to visit her on her request, and what seems like a swap of roles seems to occur.

Indifference to earlier in the book it is now Miss Havisham who cannot look at Pip in the eye, as if she, was now afraid of him. Once again her feelings are taking over Miss Havisham, just like when she was heart broken and locked her self away in Satis House not able to face the world, now that she feels guilt she is trying to keep herself from facing Pip.

She now seems like a different person she has put her anger aside and wants forgiveness. However she wants to do more and repair the unhappiness she caused in his life regarding Estella.

The guilt is beginning to take over Miss Havisham, and she slowly begins to confess. I think that the burning of the dress symbolises that her old self has burned away that she has opened her eyes and realised what was happening around her, and the fact that Pip saved her from the flames I think also parallels with the way that Pip was actually what saved her from her old self and made her a better person.

Miss Havisham comes to understand the enormity of her actions. I think that this action however unjustified it may seem, proves how much Miss Havisham was really hurt, and how much she cared for Estella.

I think Dickens decided to invent a character like Miss Havisham to show the effects of karma, and to change the Victorian civilisation point of view on unmarried women. From that moment forth, Miss Havisham is determined never to move beyond her heartbreak. She stops all the clocks in Satis House at twenty minutes to nine, the moment when she first learned that Compeyson was gone, and she wears only one shoe, because when she learned of his betrayal, she had not yet put on the other shoe.

With a kind of manic, obsessive cruelty, Miss Havisham adopts Estella and raises her as a weapon to achieve her own revenge on men. Miss Havisham is an example of single-minded vengeance pursued destructively: both Miss Havisham and the people in her life suffer greatly because of her quest for revenge. She might not be realistic, but she certainly is one of Dickens' greatest creations. Angela Tyler Exactly! It' Exactly! It's my dream as an author to create such a character!

David Jul 20, AM 0 votes. Readers might be interested in a creative portrait of Miss Havisham painted by Horspool Spellin? The Mould of Time. I met the author at the Dickens Bicentennial where we were both promoting our novels on Dickens.

Karl Jun 16, AM 0 votes. She is very realistic to me, insofar as she represents the personality of someone who allows themselves the luxury of unforgiveness. Although it seems as if she is trapped in a place wherein time stops, in fact she is very much within the moment. Otherwise her focus wouldn't have remained on creating a furie to wreak her vengeance upon the world of men.

She never leaves the present and her hopes are fully embedded in the future--a future of triumphant, vicarious heartbreaks, via Estella. That's where her space becomes the most realistic portrayal of her delusions. She lives as an obsessed and bitter woman trapped in her own world of never-ending hurt and emotional decay, and The Manor is symbolic of this, but time hasn't truly stopped; her desire to live for her own happiness has.

Rola May 16, PM 0 votes. Pamela May 12, PM 0 votes. Pain can cause you to do crazy things and then when you don't get help for it, you become stuck in that craziness.

My favorite quote in this book is when Miss Havisham realizes her mistake in staying broken and not allow healing to come in. We all have "great expectations" thinking when we are young the course our life should go.

My favorite quote in this book was Pip's realization of Miss Havisham, "But that, in shutting out the light of day, she had shut out infinitely more; that, in seclusion, she had secluded herself from a thousand natural and healing influences; that, her mind, brooding solitary, had grown diseased, as all minds must and will that reverse the appointed order of their Maker, I knew equally well.

Gabe Mar 18, PM 0 votes. If she had been a shallow eccentric, dull, or just simply insane, I doubt that would be the case. Geoffrey Aug 14, PM 0 votes.

Angie Aug 08, AM 0 votes. I think Miss Havisham, and almost all of the characters in this novel, are very realistic because they are not perfect. They experience joy and sorrow and they take their own decisions depending on how they feel, if they take things either positive or negative and how they affect them in their own decisions, like we do in our lives.

Life lessons are the most complicated ones, because there is not an accurate formula like in Physics and Maths. Part of those lessons had to teach us about how to deal with our Relationships and Love Lives. There has been people around the world who had passed what she had passed: being heartbroken. Some people become like her: become bitter and bitter, not wanting to forget the past and look for ILL ways to make oneself feel better.

However, there is people who decide to overcome the adversities, decide to improve and become better persons, and achieve a true happiness. Anthony Aug 26, AM 0 votes. Two characters who I have always loved are Miss Havisham and Lady Bertram from Jane Austen's Mansfield Park both are clearly as mad as cut snakes, but their significance perceived or otherwise just puts a smile on my dial, initially they both seemed completely unrealistic, but the older I get the more I glean a sense of authenticity in their characters.

Brittney Aug 08, AM 0 votes. What's more real than the emotions that she felt and showed through out the book!! Kressel Aug 08, AM 0 votes. I think a real interesting literary parallel to pursue is Miss Havisham and Estella and Mrs. The difference is that Miss Havisham groomed Estella to break men's hearts, as opposed to Rebecca, who took the lead in that department. Helen Mar 18, PM 0 votes. Miss Havisham fascinates me whenver I read Great Expectations.

While her reaction to being jilted at the alter is extreme by stopping time and wearing her wedding dress as a constant reminder I would still consider Miss Havisham a realistic character. She's a representation of those people who have that one moment in their life that they feel is what their identity is based on and cannot move past it.

You can see it in the way she pits Estella and Pip against one another. The manipulation and deceit she would have experienced at Compeyson's hand is manifested in another generation through Pip and Estella. Miss Havisham controls that relationship as a way to make sense of what Compeyson put her through and her instructions to Estella to enact her revenge on all men is because her feelings of betrayal were so great that it probably caused Miss Havisham to doubt whether she could trust another man again on a personal level.

Also I think when Miss Havisham tells Pip she meant to raise Estella for good it shows some level of self-awareness and hatred for what she had become because of Compeyson's betrayal. Yet the isolated life she had led meant that when Estella showed to be a promising beauty there was no one there to 'check' Miss Havisham for training her to break men's hearts. Manasa Jul 21, AM 0 votes. Her character was flawless. I can say she is real because Estella reflects her in almost every way.

She was raised by her. Anna Aug 08, AM 0 votes. How about just plain creepy? I agree on the manipulative point - it was something that made her more realistic and pathetic.

She was in pain and took it out on two children. Add to that the fact that she held on to the hurt from twenty years before.


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