Can i be going through menopause at 38

Genetic conditions which can lead to early or premature menopause include: galactosaemia — this is when the body cannot convert the carbohydrate galactose into glucose. Induced menopause Menopause can be specifically induced for medical reasons, such as cancer surgery. Diagnosis of premature or early menopause Premature and early menopause is diagnosed using a number of tests including: medical history, family history and medical examination investigations to rule out other causes of amenorrhoea absence of periods , such as pregnancy, extreme weight loss, other hormone disturbances and some diseases of the reproductive system investigations into other conditions associated with premature or early menopause, such as autoimmune diseases genetic tests to check for the presence of genetic conditions associated with premature or early menopause blood tests to check hormone levels.

Treatment for early or premature menopause There is no treatment available to make the ovaries start working again. Emotional impact of early or premature menopause Premature menopause can be emotionally devastating.

Genetic counselling If you have been diagnosed with a genetic condition that is thought to have caused your premature menopause, it may be helpful to speak to a genetic counsellor. Mental and emotional health , Jean Hailes for Women's Health. Spontaneous premature ovarian insufficiency , Australasian Menopause Society. Early menopause due to chemotherapy and radiotherapy , , Australasian Menopause Society. Give feedback about this page. Was this page helpful?

Yes No. View all reproductive system - female. Related information. Support groups Early Menopause. From other websites NPS Medicinewise. The Daisy Network, United Kingdom. Early Menopause. Your Sex Health. Menopause is a normal, natural event. Women in North America will likely experience natural menopause between ages 40 and 58, averaging around age Some women, however, reach this phase in their 30s, others in their 60s.

Typically, women reach menopause around the same age as their mothers and sisters. Trip Tip: Smokers may get there about two years earlier than nonsmokers, while race, age at first period, use of birth control pills or fertility medications do not seem to be determining factors. Recalculating: Postmenopause The final stop along our midlife tour is postmenopause. This phase includes all the time after menopause, and still manages to muster up a surprise or two. Due to the continued decrease in estrogen levels during this time, symptoms like vaginal dryness and hot flashes may linger.

Trip Tip: Lower hormone levels also increase your risk for related diseases like osteoporosis. Enjoy the Ride Signs. Right after that, I found out he was having an affair. We ended up having this horrible, quick, really nasty breakup. My womanhood is shot. So which one is it? I have zero chance of getting pregnant — or just a small one? That idea got blown to smithereens. What do I want to do now, given that this is what I have to work with?

What do I want my life to be? For most women, the menopause starts between the ages of 45 and Causes of early menopause The ovaries stop working Early menopause can happen naturally if a woman's ovaries stop making normal levels of certain hormones, particularly the hormone oestrogen.

This is sometimes called premature ovarian failure, or primary ovarian insufficiency. The cause of premature ovarian failure is often unknown, but in some women it may be caused by: chromosome abnormalities — such as in women with Turner syndrome an autoimmune disease — where the immune system starts attacking body tissues certain infections, such as tuberculosis , malaria and mumps — but this is very rare Premature ovarian failure can sometimes run in families.

Cancer treatments Radiotherapy and chemotherapy can cause premature ovarian failure. Your risk of having an early menopause will depend on: your age — girls who have not yet reached puberty can tolerate stronger treatment than older women the type of treatment you're given — different types of chemotherapy may affect the ovaries differently where on your body any radiotherapy is focused — your risk of developing premature menopause is higher if you have radiotherapy treatment around your brain or pelvis Surgery to remove the ovaries Surgically removing both ovaries will also bring on premature or early menopause.

Symptoms of early menopause The main symptom of early menopause is periods becoming infrequent or stopping altogether without any other reason such as pregnancy. Some women may also get other typical menopausal symptoms, including: hot flushes night sweats vaginal dryness and discomfort during sex difficulty sleeping low mood or anxiety reduced sex drive libido problems with memory and concentration Read more about the symptoms of the menopause.

Diagnosing early menopause A GP should be able to make a diagnosis of early menopause based on your symptoms, your family history, and blood tests to check your hormone levels.


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